**** Diode MODEL PARAMETERS ****************************************************************************** X_U2.bodydiode_C2M0045170D T_Measured 25 T_Current 25 IS 880.000000E-15 N 6 BV 2.200000E+03 IBV 500.000000E-06 RS .02 TT 500.000000E-12 ERROR(ORPSIM-16551): Floating point computation failed during Device/Model Load. Possible solutions: 1)Ensure that all device parameters are in valid range. 2)Try using .options LIMIT INTERNAL ERROR -- Maths Exception Code:e06d7363 in device X_U2.xgmos.G2, Multiply(1.50525e+306, -4.99969e+06) ABORTING SIMULATION **** 04/15/24 12:09:52 ***** PSpice 23.1.0 (6 March 2024) ***** ID# 0 ******** ** Profile: "SCHEMATIC1-sscb" [ c:\users\kimnefyn\appdata\roaming\spb_data\cdssetup\workspace\projects\sscb_thesis_project\sscb_the **** JOB STATISTICS SUMMARY ****************************************************************************** Node counts: Top level (NUNODS) = 7 External (NCNODS) = 24 Total (NUMNOD) = 25 Total device count (NUMEL) = 49 Capacitors (C) = 7 Diodes (D) = 1 VCVS (E) = 6 VCCS (G) = 4 Inductors (L) = 4 Resistors (R) = 19 Voltage Sources (V) = 4 Number of subcircuits (X) = 4 Matrix statistics: Matrix size (NSTOP) = 39 Initial no. elements (NTTAR) = 129 No. elements w/ fillin (NTTBR) = 137 No. fillins (IFILL) = 8 No. overflows (NTTOV) = 86 No. LU operations (IOPS) = 104 Percent sparsity (PERSPA) = 90.993 Analysis statistics: No. total time points (NUMTTP) = 0 No. rejected time points (NUMRTP) = 0 No. iterations (NUMNIT) = 0 Load Threads = 4 Runtime statistics: Seconds Iterations Matrix load = .02 Matrix solution = 0.00 2 Readin = .06 General setup = 0.00 CMI setup = 0.00 Setup = 0.00 DC sweep = 0.00 0 Bias point = .02 0 AC and noise = 0.00 0 Total transient analysis = 0.00 Output = 0.00 Overhead = .14 Total job time (using Solver 1) = .08