LTSpice part format

I am trying to model a WolfSpeed MOSFET with the ADP1071 controller
in LTSpice XVII. It is not obvious from the MOSFET data what LTSpice
is looking for as the start of the data file. The WolfSpeed model
does not start with the word "Model" and LTSpice reports "Can't read C3M0065090D"?
I included a .TXT file of the C3M0065090 in the same directory as my project.
I entered the InstName as M1 and the Value as M1_C3M0065090D in the Component Attribute Editor.
I also included the part in the schematic page as .include M1_C3M0065090D.
The Wolfspeed part has two additional pins that I am not using since
the ADP1071 does not use them.
An example of using a Wolfspeed SiC MOSFET would be useful.
Thank you for your question. You can find answers to many of your questions in the Quick Start Guide included in the zip file with the LTSpice model download.
Below is a simple circuit to make sure everything is configured properly. The Tj and Tc terminals do not exist on the physical device, but are present in the model to allow for simulating the thermal parameters of the device. You must connect either Tc or Tj to a voltage source (or ground) for the model to converge properly. The voltage on the pin is equal to the temperature of the case or junction (i.e. 105V = 105C).
The simulation shown below is also attached in a zip file. Once unzipped, open LTSpice and change the directory to reflect where the C3M0065090D.lib file is located.