Recommended TIM for TO247 package?

Do we have any recommended TIM for TO247 packages that has good thermal conductive properties / electrically isolating?
Customer tried using typical pink silicon pads Digi key part number BER368-ND however the thermal conductivity is not good.
They then changed to Aluminum Oxide Ceramic part number 4180G-ND. The material has good thermal conductivity however the application is messy and tedious due to the sensitivity of the ceramic pad.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
BER368-ND is sil-pad SP900S from Bergquist.
We need more information at system level to recommend the details on TIM selection.
• Is it for basic isolation or functional isolation?
• What is the DC link voltage?
• What is the heatsink temperature?
• Power loss on single component
• Max allowed junction temperature in the system
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now the customer is looking for a generic recommendation for thermal pad choices for functional Isolation. 800V DC link and want to get as close to 1000v DC link as possible. 80C heatsink.
Please find the thermal performance comparison of the sil-pad family from Bergquist as attached. SP900S is in the left in yellow. If the customer prefers soft TIM, we can recommend the high performance sil-pads such as SP1500ST as shown in the right picture.
If the customer is looking for even better thermal performance, we can recommend Aluminum Oxide Ceramic or AlN TIM without the mounting hole. there is a mounting hole on 4180G-ND from Digikey. with the hole and the limited size of 4180G, the assembly is messy and the creepage is not enough for 1000V DC link. a TIM with larger size can be used to cover TO-247 including leads
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