Datasheet discrepancy for C2M0025120D

There are 2 datasheets on Digikey for the C2M0025120D. The HTML datasheet and the listed specification have a continuous drain current at 25C of 90A while the PDF datasheet has a rating of 63A. There are other differences as well between the HTML datasheet (Rev. B, 10-2015) and the PDF datasheet (Rev. 5, 04-2021). Which datasheet is accurate? Was the part changed between the release of these two datasheets?
Hello jmmaroli,
The Rev. 5 datasheet is the most current and correct datasheet for new production. The most reliable way to make sure you have the latest datasheet is to download it directly from
In regards to the changes in some of the ratings, there were two sets of changes. The first was a change in how the continuous rating of the device was characterized to align with industry standard rating practices. There was no actual change in the device as part of this datasheet revision. The datasheet changed from Rev B to Rev 3 to reflect this update.
The second change that took the datasheet from Rev3 to Rev5 was a change in the die manufacturing from our 100mm line to our 150mm line. This resulted in some parametric changes that are reflected in the latest Rev 5 datasheet.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
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