LTspice model

Hi, this is Mingi.
I'd like to simulate C3M0015065D in LTspice.
so I downloaded the file and ran it.
To check turn-off of the switch, I compared my simulation results and datasheet.
It is quite different... (simulation 565.95µJ vs datasheet700µJ, condition : VDS = 400 V, VGS = -4 V/15 V, ID = 55.8 A, RG(ext) = 5 Ω, L= 57.6 μH, TJ = 175ºC FWD = Internal Body Diode of MOSFET)
What made this difference? Please let me know.
Here are the simulation configuration and results.
Hello, thank you for your message. A member of our technical team is looking into your questions and we will respond shortly.
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Hi Mingi,
The datasheet switching energy includes the influence of board parasitic inductance and capacitance and we build our models to match. As a result, when you run a DPT simulation in LTSpice without the additional parasitic elements, you will see that the simulated switching energy is typically lower than what is reported on the datasheet.
I recommend adding 10pF of capacitance between the gate and drain of the MOSFET and ~2nH of inductance at source of the device. These aren't exactly what you would find in the board, but they're reasonable estimates that should yield much more accurate results.
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Hi, I hope that this answered your question. I will close this discussion for now but if you have a follow up question, please "Start a New Discussion" and we would be glad to support you further.