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Drive board test

Yuniy Contributor Level 1
edited November 2022 in Module Products

When testing the drive board, after I power on the drive board, I give a PWM input. I give a PWM input at the 1 and pin pins of the UB6 chip, but no waveform appears at pin 3. The entire potential is pulled down, and the voltage value of Vgs at the entire output side is also pulled down. Can't get the result I want.

I/O port wiring status: pins 1 and 2 are connected to 12V DC power supply, pins 3 and 4 are connected to square wave signal with 0-5V cycle of 10us, and pins 11, 13 and 15 are connected to 5V signal.

Main problem: No waveform appears on the 3-pin pin of the UB6 chip.



  • AustinC
    AustinC Wolfspeed Admin - Contributor Level 4

    Hi Yuniy,

    Pin 15 (RESET) should be held low (or left floating) to prevent the ADuM4135 driver IC from disabling its outputs.

    Also, are you connecting the gate driver board to a module while performing this testing? If not, the overcurrent protection circuitry will trip & prevent the outputs from going high as well.

    Best Regards,

    Austin C.

  • Yuniy
    Yuniy Contributor Level 1

    Thank you, AustinC

    Later, I suspended the 11-PS-Dis pin and the 13 Logic pin, and grounded the 15-RESET. The same result still occurred. It is not connected to the module. At present, it only tests the driver board. Is the error caused by the need to connect to the module? What is the specific I/O port connection status!


  • AustinC
    AustinC Wolfspeed Admin - Contributor Level 4

    Hi Yuniy,

    I recommend connecting the gate driver to an XM3 module for benchtop gate driver testing to ensure the required overcurrent protection circuit connections are properly made. If you don't have a module, you'll need to connect the HS-Drain connection (JT2) to the high-side source to disable the overcurrent protection from tripping & faulting the driver.

    Also, are you using the recommended differential transceiver board (CGD12HB00D) with the gate driver?

    Best Regards,

    Austin C.

  • TBhatia
    TBhatia Wolfspeed Admin - Contributor Level 5

    Hi, I hope that this answered your question. I will close this discussion for now but if you have a follow up question, please "Start a New Discussion" and we would be glad to support you further.

This discussion has been closed.