Bare Die Equivalents of CAS300M12BM2

Hello! Looking at the CAS300M12BM2 rev 2, what bare die diode and mosfets are found inside the unit? Looking for specific product SKU for both the MOSFET and SiC diode. Thanks!
Hello mcafeera,
The CAS300M12BM2 power module contains the following bare die:
Six CPM2-1200-0025A MOSFETs per position (twelve per module).
Six CPW5-1200-Z050A diodes per position (twelve per module).
Best Regards,
Austin C.
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Thank you Austin! Quick check, that MOSFET is listed as second gen, have the modules updated to third gen or are they still the CPM2?
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Hi mcafeera,
We have released new 62 mm modules with third generation MOSFETs. They can be found on the 62 mm product page linked below. The CAS350M12BM3 and CAS530M12BM3 are common upgrade paths from the CAS300M12BM2.
Best Regards,
Austin C.
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What would be the bare die in the CAS350M12BM3?
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Hi mcafeera,
The CAS350M12BM3 power module contains the following bare die:
Four CPM3-1200-0016A MOSFETs per position (eight per module).
Four CPW6-1200-Z050A diodes per position (eight per module).
Best Regards,
Austin C.
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Thanks Austin!