How to solder SiC bare die directly to a PCB

Hello Wolfspeed team, Good day!!
I am trying to understand how a SiC Mosfet bare die soldered on to a PCB. Is this method recommended for 1200V, 30A rated die? Do you recommend a two side PCB-soldering design approach for effective cooling of the die?
And another question I have is about the creepage distance between the drain and source of the die. From the datasheet I see that it is very narrow (0.1mm). How to ensure functional insulation at 1200V?
Thank you,
(He/His/Him, call me Sri)
Thank you for your post, it has been approved and we will respond as soon as possible.
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After studying the datasheet again, I understood that the drain is on the bottom of the die and the gate- source pads are on the top. So the second part of my earlier post about the creepage distance can be ignored. Thank you.
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Dear Sridharan,
thanks for reaching out.
You can solder or sinter a bare die to a PCB. Depending on the solder/sinter material you have to apply a certain temperature/pressure. Pressureless options are available from some solder/sinter material suppliers.
Once the die is attached to the PCB, you need a soft gel or similar encapsulation for the die to guarantee electrical insulation.
Single sided cooling is sufficient and widely used.
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Hi, I hope that this answered your question. I will close this discussion for now but if you have a follow up question, please "Start a New Discussion" and we would be glad to support you further.