Vibration level of XM3 modules, how much value of gravitational acceleration (g) can XM3 bear

Hi Sir,
can you provide the vibration level of CAB450M12XM3, how much value of gravitational acceleration (g) can XM3 bear, thanks
Thank you for your post, it has been approved and we will respond as soon as possible.
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Our XM3 modules conform to the mechanical testing standards provided by IEC60068-2-6. This standard requires several fixed and variable frequency tests as well as amplitude tolerances. There is a large number of complicated testing requirements so giving a straightforward answer will be difficult - the best answer I can give here is to reference IEC60068-2-6. Our XM3 modules are tested to these standards and therefore can be taken as the vibrational limits that the module can endure.
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One thing I would like to add is that these requirements are for the module only. Any systems that the module might be attached to will change the vibrational mode and should be analyzed as well.
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Hi ARStorment,
thanks for your kindly reply, the XM3 module is used on EVTOL aircraft application, which need our mechanical Shock level of the module. I saw a spec of sensor product that can meet vibration level of 20g (based on IEC60068-2-6) and Shock level of 20g/11ms. so can we provide this data by some methods, or which category as below should the module comply with
Appendix B of IEC60068-2-6,for components
Appendix C of IEC60068-2-6, for equipment
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Hello ARStorment
thanks for your great support and detailed reply , another question as below
our customer found driver pin of XM3 module would wear out during vibration test (driver board connect with module), so can you give some mechanical design advice to strengthen the connection reliability, thanks
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Thanks for the info Tangwei, it is very helpful. For the CAB XM3 module mechanical shock we adhere to testing standard IEC60068-2-27 at 30g with 1 ms half-sine pulse duration, 3 shocks in each direction for a shock severity of .59. The shock severity required from your specs will be between 1.62 and 2.91 depending on the pulse shape so it is not determined from this test whether or not the CAB XM3 module will be able to withstand the shock severity you require and further testing would be needed.
It is worth noting that the automotive version of this module is tested to a similar severity of 1.91 (50g, 6ms half-sine pulse duration, 10 shocks per direction). Both of these are tested for non-repetitive shock so that is another consideration based on your application.
The variable frequency vibration testing for CAB XM3 modules is performed to IEC60068-2-2 under the following conditions: 2 hr/axis sinusoidal variable frequency vibration from 20-2000 Hz, 5g acceleration and 1 sweep cycle/axis. Automotive modules are tested under the following conditions: 22hr/axis sinusoidal variable frequency vibration from 100-440 Hz, 3-6g acceleration as well as a broadband random vibration test at 22hrs/axis, 10-2000 Hz, 10g acceleration.
If you are unsure whether or not these test qualifications are valid for your application, additional testing is recommended. Mounting to an isolated system can help reduce the severity of vibrations experienced by the module. Again these test qualifications are for the modules only, mounting to a system will drastically change the conditions and should be tested as well.
Please let us know if you have additional questions related to this.
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Great! TKS!
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Hi, I hope that this answered your question. I will close this discussion for now but if you have a follow up question, please "Start a New Discussion" and we would be glad to support you further.