C3M0065090D のVgs設定について

C3M0065090D のVgsについて
C3M0065090D のVgsはやや低めに感じますが推奨動作電圧Vgsはありますか?
データシート(Maximum Ratings)にはVgsop -4/+15の記載がありますが
Note (2): MOSFET can also safely operate at 0/+15 Vの記載もあります。
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Hello HDKYI,
Is this the correct translation to your question?
"About Vgs of C3M0065090D. We recognize that SIC-MOS requires higher Vgs than SI. I feel that the Vgs of C3M0065090D is a little low, but is there a recommended operating voltage Vgs? Is Vgs=15V an appropriate value? If you have an RDS(on)-Vgs characteristic graph, please provide it. The data sheet (Maximum Ratings) states Vgs(op) -4/+15.
Note (2): There is also a statement that MOSFET can also safely operate at 0/+15 V.
Is it safer not to drive with negative voltage?"
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Unfortunately, Wolfspeed does not give enough datasheet data on SiC MOSFETs, this is really bad. I am currently driving with -4.38/+16.4V, but -4/+15V is specified as static voltage, so you can give a maximum of -4V and +15V when no switching(f<1Hz). If in your system the MOSFETs are switching everytime and no spikes over -8/+19V, you can use -4/+16V.
The negative voltage is important for reliability. Because the gate threshold value is low in Wolfspeed's SiC MOSFETs. Thus, this can cause a self-turn-on problem.
In addition, wolfspeed should solve this narrow gate voltage range problem. Nearly all dc/dc converters have minimum %5 tolerances, but wolfspeed gave values as if there was no tolerance.
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Hello HDKYI,
The recommended gate drive operating voltage is +15V/-4V with a +- 5% tolerance is okay. +16V is not recommended as it is greater than the +5% tolerance. Maximum you should use is +15.75V Vgs on for switching.
Please find a link to this application Note that goes over the gate voltage supply design for Wolfspeed SiC in Detail: DESIGN OPTIONS FOR WOLFSPEED® SILICON CARBIDE MOSFET GATE BIAS POWER SUPPLIES
The datasheet also provides the output characteristics of the device in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 for different temperatures and you can use that to calculate the impact of gate drive voltages on (Von/Ion=) Rds(on).
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