E3M0075120J2) Maximum value of the Is,pulse(diode pulse current)@Vgs=0V

Could you tell me the maximum value of Is,pulse@Vgs=0V(not -4v)?
I can find the condition Vgs=-4v,but there are no 0v.
The Figure 9. describes conditions that are -4v,-2v,0v.
According to this diagram,Is maximum value of Is,pulse@Vgs=0V 80A?
Is it right?
Thank you for your post, it has been approved and we will respond as soon as possible.
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Thanks for your questions.
80A shown in the datasheet is just a calculated value. We have done testing on E3M0075120K with the same die and the actual passing pulse current reached 272A at 125°C/50µs pulse width/-4V Vgs without failure. Please note that the allowed pulse current highly depends on the pulse width and also junction temperature as well. We haven't done test with Vgs = 0V, but the passing pulse current should be similar.