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6.6 kW Bi-Directional Totem-Pole PFC and CLLC, High Power Density

Tiago Contributor Level 1
edited March 2024 in General

Hi Wolfspeed,

I have quite a few questions regarding CRD-06600FF065N-K reference design:

. Does it support Grid-Tied topology (V2G). For example having a vehicle discharging to the power grid?

. Is it possible to control/limit the current AC that is delivered to the grid?

. Why there is a limitation of 3kW on DC to AC?

. Where can I download the GUI and Firmware for this reference design?

Thanks in advance.


  • Forum_Moderator
    Forum_Moderator Wolfspeed Employee - Contributor Level 5

    Thank you for your post, it has been approved and we will respond as soon as possible.

  • Abby
    Abby Contributor Level 1

    same question as me,look forward your response.

  • FrankWei
    FrankWei Wolfspeed Employee - Contributor Level 2

    Hi Tiago and Abby,

    Please see my inputs.

    sorry, it is for V2L only. it was designed in 2018. based on the requirements from the key customers at that time, it is for V2L only. and the power rating is limited to 3.3kW. if you need to deliver larger power in DC/AC mode, you need lower Rdson devices for the low frequency switches for AC/DC stage. It is possible to control/limit the current AC that is delivered to the load. for the GUI and Firmware, please try to apply them at our website and contact our field sales team to follow up the approval process. Thanks in advance.

  • TBhatia
    TBhatia Wolfspeed Admin - Contributor Level 5

    Hi, I hope that this answered your question. If it did, please click on "This question has been answered - Close Discussion" . If you have a follow up question, at a later date, please "Start a New Discussion"

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