Recovery loss Err-Id, Err-Rg

My customer has question.
Does C3M0032120K have provisions for Recovery loss Err-Id and Err-Rg?
Or is it okay to assume that these values are close to zero?
Best Regard
T Kishi
Thank you for your post, it has been approved and we will respond as soon as possible.
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Hello T Kishi,
Does your question mean- if the Err varies with Id and Rg or if Err remains fairly constant with the change in these parameters?
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Hello TBhatia
Thank you for reply.
Customers want to know is the former.
However, if there are test conditions, a single parameter is fine.
And, if the characteristic is so small that it hardly needs to be taken into consideration, it's fine to answer that it doesn't need to be taken into consideration.Regard
T Kishi
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Hi TKishi,
Reverse recovery loss can be negligible or significant depending on the topology and mode of device operation. In general, Err is a function of both Rg(ext) and ID. This Err data (at high Tj) can be shared with the customer upon request. If this data is required, please feel free to start a private discussion or send us an email.
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Hello Urvi
I would like to use it as a reference, so could you please provide the data?
We have started a private discussion, so I would be happy to receive your replies there.Best Regard
T Kishi
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Hi T Kishi,
I have sent you the data via private discussion, I hope that resolves your query.
Thank you,