Hi, I am trying to experiment with my CRD200DA12E-XM3 inverter. I have got the CAN comms working and seem to be sending and receiving messages correctly. I have connected the inverter to a small servo motor and am trying just to get it turning. I have powered the inverter from a small bench supply. So its similar to Figure 18 in the user guide except that I have not connected up the HV sense connections. I have all green lights on the CAN GUI interface. I can use the GUI to turn on the gate power for example and see the green LEDs going on and off so I think that the CAN comms is working. Unfortunately the motor is not turning. Probably I am doing something stupid but any suggestions ? thanks
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Hi NickW,
By default the modulation factor is set very low. Have you tried increasing this parameter?
Also, what voltage are you supplying to the input DC terminals?
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Hi Jonathan
thanks - at the moment I am using only 40V on the DC inputs as I am just doing a simple low power test. I can see that voltage on the GUI screen as well. Is there a minimum input voltage ?
I tried setting the modulation factor at maximum but it made no difference
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Hi Nick,
There is no minimum input voltage requirement, so it should still operate at that voltage.
Would you be able to share any pictures of your setup? Are you able to measure the output midpoint voltage and show that it is switching?