25 kW High Efficiency High Power Density Bi-directional T-type Inverter [CRD-25BDA6512N-K] Gerbers
In the main page for CRD-25BDA6512N-K links for PCB do not have GERBERs files. Can you please provide them?
Also, the main coils ( L5_1, L5_2, L5_3) are not specified on the BOM. Neither is the specficiation for them. Can someone please help us with this?
For grid tied, are there any news regarding the possibility to use in this working mode? This is very important for us.
Best regards,
Tiago Borges
Thank you for your post, it has been approved and we will respond as soon as possible.
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Hello Tiago,
Do you mind posting a private message so I can share all the necessary files, the gerbers and the datasheet for the inductor with you?
As mentioned in the user-guide, currently this design has CRD-25BDA6512N-K has not been tested in grid-connected mode. The firmware to test in grid-connection is present in the code files but has not been optimized or tested with CRD-25BDA6512N-K. You can also refer to this design by Texas Instruments
as CRD-25BDA6512N-K uses the same firmware. TIDA-01606 has been tested in grid-connection and to use that same code for CRD-25BDA6512N-K, the controller gains will need to be optimized by the user itself for Lab 4- Grid connection. Let me know if you have any other questions!1 -
Hello Tiago,
The Gerber files have been sent to you in the private message. Closing this discussion for now but if you have a follow up question, please "Start a New Discussion" and we would be glad to support you further.