Technical support / CGD1200HB2P-BM2

Hi everyone,
I am writing to report a small problem with the CGD1200HB2P-BM2 driver board that I acquired on DigitKey.
The 2 pictures below represent what I am trying to achieve with the assembly's electric circuit. The first image shows the working capacitor being charged by a DC power supply; ''CHARGING MODE''. The second image illustrates that same capacitor discharging on the load, a Laser; ''FIRING MODE''.
Now, we did multiple tests.
In the first test, everything works as expected in the setting. The laser flashes by being supplied with 30 Volts coming from a DC-DC step up booster power supply. At each flash, the laser turns on for 200 microseconds and stays off for 200 milliseconds. Hence, we have a 0.1% duty cycle at 5 Hz.
However, on the second test and others, we see that the CGD1200HB2P-BM2 board stops working when trying to operate the Laser with 40 Volts using the same duty cycle and frequency. The DT6 indicator lights up red.
We have tried other duty cycles as well. No matter the pulse width or frequency setup, The same thing keeps on happening for any voltage above 30 Volts.
What is interrupting the system ?
Am I missing something ?
Thank you for your post, it has been approved and we will respond as soon as possible.
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Adding info:
Here are 2 pictures of my setup.
As you can see, I only connected the power feeds as well as the High-side and low-side signal feeds (Pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6). All of them, are coming from the output of the CGD12HB00D transceiver board.
Below, is the code that I am using in my microcontroller to generate the desired pulse signal:
void setup() {
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); ———> Pin# 3 of the CGD1200HB2P-BM2
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); ———> Pin# 5 of the CGD1200HB2P-BM2}
void loop() {
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); ———> Pin# 3 of the CGD1200HB2P-BM2
digitalWrite(2, LOW); ———> Pin# 3 of the CGD1200HB2P-BM2
digitalWrite(4, HIGH); ———> Pin# 5 of the CGD1200HB2P-BM2
digitalWrite(4, LOW); ———> Pin# 5 of the CGD1200HB2P-BM2
Again, the CGD1200HB2P-BM2 board is unable to pulse currents above 30 Volts at any duty cycle. No matter the delays I choose, the indicator DT6 lights up red every time I try to pulse a current above 30 Volts through the CAS120M12BM2 module. I read somewhere on this forum that, when DT6 goes red, it is an issue of the positive side of the module with the high-side terminals of the gate driver board.
How do I fix the issue ?
Please, help
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Hi Jonathan,
The load is this CO2 Laser.
On a continuous mode, we can feed it a maximum of 20 Volts, 50 Amps. Lasers are around 50% efficient, so, the 500 Watts is the average optical output on continuous mode.
Now, when I pulse the current with a duty cycle of 0.1%, I expect the average power to be much lower than 500 Watts. That is the reason I am increasing the voltage that is being pulsed.
My goal is to eventually pulse 1000 Volts with a width of 1 microsecond and a repetition rate of 5 Hz. According to my calculations, that should give me an average power of 125 Watts.
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Hello Paulin,
Unfortunately we need to terminate this support request over safety concerns. I will follow up with you over email.
Thanks for your understanding.