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How to correctly determine device power dissipation

LukeF Contributor Level 1
edited November 2024 in Discrete Products


I am new to power electronics. I am working on a forward converter design with high side active clamp. It is based around the LT3752-1. See attached LTspice model for the primary side using the Wolfspeed parts. (This is not complete, trying to understand device switching parameters)

The datasheet for LT3752-1 (pg40) describes determining the MOSFET total power dissipation as = Pconduction+ Pgatedrive + Ptransition. I get a total of 1.8W for this based on the operating parameters and using C3M0075120J. Based on this low dissipation heat-sinking was limited to a 2oz 4layer stack of area 24mm x 12mm. This also connects to the TX primary windings.

When running under load for approx 4min we observed the following heating profile on the board:

Circled part is main switch and had a case temperature of 110C.

Do I need to take into account the Reverse Recovery Loss Prr? I am not sure if this is applicable in this forward converter?

If so do you agree Prr = Qrr x Vd x Fsw = 109nC x 600V x 300KHz = 19.6W?

This would explain the massive overheating I see on the thermal image of the PCB. BUT why is this not clear in the simulation model?

The LT spice simulation indicates large peak powers of 400W through the MOSFET. These do not align with Tr or Tf, what power dissipation in the device do they represent?

Sorry for the long ramble, hopefully you can be of help.




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