Assistance in filling in data on the mosfets and diodes of the Plecs software, using the datasheet

Hello, my name is Junior and I have a seemingly simple question. regarding filling in semiconductor key fields in a simulation in the Plecs software.
I'm using Mosfet Wolspeed C3M0045065D with diode and I'm also using in my project, a sic diode from Wolspeed E3D30065D.
I have the thermal model in .xml provided by Wolspeeed to insert into the thermal library and components.
Consider ambient temperature=40 degrees Celsius.
I need to configure the C3M0045065D block, as shown in the images below and reading the datasheet I don't know what value to insert in the field circled in the figure below:
I also need to configure the values of the body diode component of the sic MOSFET, as shown in the figures below:
I also need to configure the diode parameters that I use alone in my project, to fill in the data entry fields in the figures below:
Below are the datasheet of the Mosfet with body diode and the datasheet of the 'lone' diode.
I would like to check this completion of the fields, as I implemented the thermal model with a heat dissipation circuit in my project, but the dissipated power is negative for some switches (and this could not happen, as the switches would be absorbing energy).
I would like to check this completion of the fields, as I implemented the thermal model with a heat dissipation circuit in my project, but the power dissipated is negative for some switches (and this could not happen, as the switches would be absorbing energy) and I suspect that it is due to errors in filling out the component information fields.
So I would be very gratful for any kind of help.
Best regards.
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For these electrical parameters, there are a few methods you can use. For the MOSFET, the simplest way to extract the on-state resistance for a given temperature would be to take the drain-source on-state resistance from the table of electrical parameters (45mO in this case) and then multiply it by the normalized resistance value for the temperature from Figure 4. For the body diode, use the process below on the body-diode data from Figure 9.
For the diode it is a bit easier but I have a figure below that should help. Draw a line (red) through the IV curve you want and the inverse of the slope of that line is your series resistance and the point when it meets the X-axis is the forward voltage. I hope that helps.