mounting CBB021M12FM3 with PCB

As the current rating of CBB021M12FM3 is 48amp, while mounting the module with PCB a maximum of 48amp current will flow through the PCB also. So can a PCB handle this much of current? Also what type of pin should be connected in the PCB to takeout the terminals of CBB021M12FM3 to connect with the external circuit?
Thank you for your post, it has been approved and we will respond as soon as possible.
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Hi Dalija,
I recommend taking a look at the design files and user guide provided in the CRD25DA12N-FMC reference design, which utilizes the CCB021M12FM3:
There is also an evaluation board for the full-bridge 21 mΩ FM3 that will provide a good example of the recommended PCB layout, copper weight, and layer count:
Best Regards,
Austin C.
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Hi, I hope that this answered your question. I will close this discussion for now but if you have a follow up question, please "Start a New Discussion" and we would be glad to support you further.